Friday, April 27, 2007

Inspiration Hits!

After a few weeks of wondering what I am next going to write, I have found inspiration. Yes, I feel a possible trilogy coming on! As I am currently obsessed about the Australian outback, and have just finished editing my first outback book, I have been hit with a fabulous idea about a farm in the Outback, with the stories of three sisters being told, each with their own book. There is also a little inkling that a handsome neighbour may just been looking for a wife too, but that will be a story to keep until after this three have been done.

So, I'm off to continue researching where and how these stories are to take place. I already have the name of the farm in mind, and the characters plotted out, now I just have to figure out who to start with.

Sunday, April 15, 2007

How I Just Love to Waste Time . . .

As usual, when I really, really want to write, I end up wasting time on the internet, reading about other authors, how they sold their first book, and generally everything that doesn't involve actually writing myself! But now, after wasting an hour or so tonight of writing time, I am ready to ban myself from reading blogs and GET BACK INTO IT! After all, nobody will ever be reading my call story on the internet if I don't actually keep creating stories that could become published.

So . . . enough of the time wasting and on to the task at hand. After all, I have a Desire story to finish, a possible Harlequin Romance Trilogy to blot out on paper, and a really fun single title that is just dying to be written. Ooohhh, I can just feel the creative energy coming back again after its little holiday!

Sunday, April 1, 2007

It's All About Timing

Today something very scary happened to me. While walking one of my dogs out in the forest, somewhere we go every week, another dog came out of no where and attacked Beau, our male yet very friendly boy. It made me realise that everything is about timing . . . if we had arrived at the forest ten minutes earlier or later, would we have even met this other dog? And now, four stiches later and looking like Mike Tyson after a very bad bout in the ring, Beau is probably wondering how a friendly outing turned so bad. I mean, he loves every dog on the planet and approaches, tail wagging, for a play - now he has a puncture wound that nearly caused him to lose his eye.

Unlike the stories and characters I create, where I control the timing, life takes it's own path. Although my characters might battle with what they want to do, I ultimately decide for them, and even if I put them through tests and trials, I know the outcome will be happy. So, when people ask me, as they inevitably do, why I write romance, I now have a pretty valid answer. You can never forsee what is going to happen in life, but at least romance readers have a little guarantee that whenver they pick up a good old romance, for a few hours at least, they are going to know that whatever the conflict, however bad it seems, there is a happy ending in sight.

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Moving on . . .

After weeks of editing and re-reading, my three entries for the Valerie Parv Award are now heading over to Aussie. Sigh of relief - despite almost not wanting to hand the package over to the post office lady.

But now, the question is, where from here? After writing 3 manuscripts in just over one year, I am actually panicking about what to write. The last three ideas have taken hold of me and commanded me to write them, but this time my thought process is taking a little longer. One story that was shelved last year is a Desire-type m/s, but was put on the back burner when something else came along. Now I know it has potential, love the characters and all that jazz, but I'm just not sure if it's the right book for me to be working on now? I have an idea for a series of books set in the Outback of Australia, did I mention that on a recent stop in Brisbane airport I raided the bookstore and purchased a ridiculous number of Outback books!!, but I need a little longer to think that one over in my mind before I start. The only problem is that makes me feel kind of guilty, despite the fact that over the last two weeks I completed around 15,000 words worth of feature stories for one magazine I freelance to! For some reason, it just doesn't feel like it counts, or gives me an excuse not to write romance.

To be honest, the last story I finished, named Outback Home Coming, captivated me so much, that I almost wrote every day. It only took me around 7 weeks to complete and I love it almost more than other 3 unpubbed manuscripts piled high in my office.

The verdict: chew it over a little while longer, to make sure it's an even better story than the last one. Once I get another Sweet style book out of my system, I'll be ready to pen the raunchy, sex filled Desire story that's still toying with me!

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Competition Time!

My goal this year is to final in at least one competition, and I am taking this New Years Resolution very seriously! So far for 2007, I have sent three full manuscripts off for the fabulous Clendon Award, two entries have hot-footed it over to Australia for their Harlequin M & B Opening Chapter contest, as well as two for the First Kiss competition. And after many late nights, I have three entries ready to be sent tomorrow for the RW Australia Valerie Parv Award. Pretty good going considering it's only March!

But my theory is that even if I don't final in any of them, feedback is the best reward of all. At least I will know the best and worst parts about each story, before I send any partials off to editors. But now I am chomping at the bit to send a cover letter and three chapters off for at least one m/s, and I'm at least 6 weeks away still before any of the finalists are announced.

The life of a writer huh? Someone asked me the other day if I think I will always write, as if it was something I chose to do to waste time, like a not very exciting hobby. Although they didn't warrant a reply, I mustered the energy and told them very bluntly: I wouldn't be a very nice person if my head was constantly full of characters waiting to burst out, only to never be listened to. And besides, I didn't choose to write, I am a writer. Which is why I will always write, even if I never, ever end up with a book on the shelf for sale.

Friday, March 16, 2007

Long Time No See

One month on from my last post and many new things have happened. Firstly, I am now officially married! Now home from a wonderful holiday in Noosa, Australia - where we had a picturesque ceremony overlooking the beach - I am ready to do some serious writing.

The last manuscript I completed simply poured from me, completed in a record 8 weeks (well, a record for me anyway!). However, with excitement of finishing a new project comes disappoint from another source. Yes, yesterday I checked the post with my usual enthusiasm, hoping there would be some wonderful news awaiting me from a publisher, only to find that my contemporary novel entitled Seduced by the Texan had been REJECTED by Silhouette Desire.

After picking myself up from a crumpled heap outside the house, I realised two things. To start with, I have three other manuscripts that have yet to be read of rejected by any editor, anywhere, so time to send another one away. Secondly, well, if I really admit it to myself, that particular story probably wasn't right for Desire. My hero, in retrospect, is far too nice. He's happy to spend time chasing my gorgeous heroine, takes time to listen to her and will do anything to convince her to leave her stressful, high flying job to be with him. Hmmmm, sounds more like a Sweet to me! The only problem being that they have a little too much sex to fit that line.

My verdict: Shake off that rejection and move on. Rewrite the story to fit Mills & Boon Romance (aka Sweet/Tender) and make sure its the best damn manuscript it can be!

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Welcome . . . .

Hello and welcome to my first ever blog! I am new to this , so please be patient! I am a yet-to-be published romance writer - yes, remaining positive - although I already work as a freelance writer for a variety of non-fiction magazines/newspapers. But for all you romance enthusiasts out there, I can assure you that I only write non-fiction to pay the bills! Romance creates a wonderful world of escapism, where women can truly be women, wihtout the pressures of work, life and children that so many of us have. Men are dashing, handsome and desperate to please (well, the men I write about usually are) and or fairytales usually come true!

I write historical and contemporary romances, and over the coming weeks, I intend on sharing plots, story lines and excerpts from some of the unpublished material I have tucked away, just waiting for an editor to pounce on!